Three Common Reasons Your Railroad Lawsuit Lung Cancer Isn't Working (And The Best Ways To Fix It)

· 4 min read
Three Common Reasons Your Railroad Lawsuit Lung Cancer Isn't Working (And The Best Ways To Fix It)

Railroad Lawsuit Kidney Cancer

Railroad workers are often exposed to dangerous carcinogens. Exposed to diesel fuel, creosote, benzene, and other toxic substances has led to cancer as well as other chronic diseases such as leukemia, lung cancer mesothelioma, bladder cancer, and kidney cancer.

Contact a lawyer who specializes in railroad cancer today for a free initial consultation if you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with a serious disease that is linked to your job at the railway.

Exposure to Carcinogens

Every day railroad workers are exposed to carcinogens. These include diesel exhaust, asbestos and benzene. Railroad  cancer lawsuits  against different railroad companies have been filed in large number. The lawsuits were filed under the Federal Employers Liability Act, created in 1908.

Plaintiffs who develop cancer due to on-the-job exposure may be qualified for compensation. A knowledgeable railroad injury lawyer can review a victim's claim to determine if there's an appropriate FELA lawsuit against the company responsible for their illness.

A railroad worker could be entitled to compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages due to their illness. Lawyers can assist a client in filing a lawsuit before the three-year statute established by FELA.

James Brown, the plaintiff claims Leukemia was contracted by him after years exposed to chemicals without protection like creosote or degreasing solvents. He worked on tank cars as well as brake shoes and cabooses. He claims to have walked across railroad ties that smelled like creosote and saw placards bearing skulls and crosses on train cars, indicating toxic substances. He claims that he was exposed to diesel fumes during working on engines for locomotives or when stopping in tunnels. The toxins made breathing difficult and caused headaches.

Inability to provide a Safe Work Environment

While railroad work has always been a high-risk job, new studies have revealed that many of the most common railway occupational hazards have a direct link to cancer and other serious illnesses. Federal law requires railroad employers to provide their workers with adequate direction and protection to ensure their safety. If they fail to comply with the law, they could be held liable for severe injuries that result in death or financial ruin.

If you are a railroad worker or have a family member who was a railroad worker You should think about seeking legal assistance from an experienced attorney. An attorney can help you determine if there is a viable lawsuit based on your on-the-job exposure to carcinogens which are potentially deadly. A three-year statute of limitation is in place, so you should speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

In addition to asbestos railroad workers also have to deal with toxic chemicals, such as creosote and diesel fumes and exhaust. These toxic fumes are typically the cause of cancer, including mesothelioma, as well as other lung diseases. It is essential to seek out a railroad injury lawyer immediately if your condition has developed one of these illnesses.

The plaintiff was employed by the ICRC from September 1975 until December 2015. He alleges that his employment in the ICRC led to his development of renal (and later adrenal) cancer. He alleges that he was continually exposed to the hazardous chemical carbon tetrachloride that is employed by railroads to clean their tracks and braking systems.


A lawsuit involving railroads can be filed under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) which permits railroad workers to file a complaint directly against their employers. In order for a worker to pursue damages, they must prove that negligence on the part of the railroad company was the cause of their injury or illness.

While working on the railway, plaintiff Greger was exposed to a number of hazardous chemicals and environmental conditions. These included carbon tetrachloride, which is used to clean rail and braking systems. He says that the company failed to warn him about the dangers of the chemical, which has been associated with cancer.

He also claims to have walked upon rail ties that were covered in creosote. This substance was considered as harmful. He also breathed in diesel fumes inside locomotive cabs and was found to be suffering from headaches and breathing difficulties. He also inhaled diesel exhaust while stopping in the tunnels of running locomotives, and claims that this made him feel ill.

He claims that when he inquired of doctors about the connection between his railroad work kidney cancer and his doctors refused to give any information. He claims that this was negligent and that the defendant railroad ought to have known about the connection between these exposures and kidney cancer. He seeks compensation for the medical expenses, pain and suffering and lost earnings.


The damages in a railroad lawsuit kidney cancer claim are a result of the combination of medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. The amount of these damages could vary greatly depending on the individual case. An experienced lawyer will work to ensure that you receive full compensation for your losses.

In one example one case, a man aged 51 was diagnosed with myelodysplastic disease (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 2008. He was a machinist for Chicago & North Western Railway and its successor Union Pacific Railroad, from 1976 to 2008. He was exposed to chemicals containing benzene, including creosote, and degreasing agents.

Railroad companies are legally responsible for adhering to safety regulations. This includes safeguarding workers from carcinogens. If a railroad fails to adhere to these regulations and suffers the consequences, it can be devastating for the victims and their families.

Hughes Law Offices has represented thousands of injured people, including railroad workers exposed to toxic fumes. Contact us now for a free consultation from an experienced railroad injury attorney. Founder Andrew Hughes actually defended railroads in FELA cases for most of his legal career, which means He is knowledgeable about the laws governing these claims, as well as the potential dangers that can arise from on-the-job exposure.